Ikoniske kongelige brudekjoler

”En riktig prinsessekjole” – Da tenker man på romantiske brudekjoler med store og fyldige skjørt. I virkeligheten har Europas prinsesser båret brudekjoler med mange forskjellige snitt og former, avhengig av tidens trender og brudens personlige stil.

I dette innlegget setter vi fokus på de mest ikoniske kongelige brudekjoler fra de siste 100 år. Her finner du alt fra overdådige kjoler med detaljer som sløyfer, pels og fleser til minimalistiske kjoler med smale silhuetter og myk silke.

Felles for kjolene, uansett stil og form, er at de er blitt brukt av stilfulle kvinner. Enten kongelige kvinner eller kvinner som har giftet sig inn i et av Europas tradisjonsrike monarkier.

Se de mest ikoniske kjolene i infografikken (klikk på bildet for en større utgave).

Ikke et hvilket som helst bryllup

Et kongelig bryllup er mere enn bare et bryllup. Det er en folkefest med enorm kulturell betydning. Et eksempel på dette er Diana og Charles bryllup i 1981. Bryllupet ble sett av mer enn en milliard mennesker på tv.

Når det blir vist kongelige brylluper følger flere millioner seere med. En evig snakkis er brudekjolen. Hvis en prinsesse bruker en bestemt type brudekjole er det garantert at den kommer til å inspirere mange andre brudekjoler.

Kate og william brudebilde
Foto: Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com


Da Kate middleton – nå hertuginne Catherine af cambridge – ble gift med Prins William i 2011, utløste kjolen hennes mye snakk. Mange moteeksperter mente at med Sarah Burtons design markerte kjolen et trendskifte. Mens stroppløse kjoler hadde vært popluære i mange år, ble nå brudekjoler med lange ermer mere populære. Kjolens delikate blonder og vintage utseende ble også en stor inspirasjon for mange brudetrender.

Regler for kongelige bruder

Selv om variasjonen er stor innenfor kongelige brudekjoler og at det er plass til brudens personlige stil, er det likevel en etikette som skal overholdes. Det betyr at kjolen skal være ærbar og ikke vise for mye hud.

I nyere tid er reglene blitt mindre strenge og hos nåtidens bruder er det ganske normalt å se mere hud og formsydde kjoler. Likevel er skuldrene alltid tildekket (i alle fall i kirken) og man ser sjeldent kavalergang eller mye ben.


Her ser vi to generasjoner av det svenske kongehus: Dronning Silivia og Kronprinsesse Victoria. Silvia giftet seg i 1976 mens Victoria ble gift i 2010. Det er også enkelt å se at det har vært tidsforskjell i kjolene. Mens Silvias kjole har lange ermer og høy, rund utskjæring til halsen, viser Victorias kjole til gjengjeld mer hud med korte ermer og synlige kragebein. Begge kjoler overholder likevel de kongelige forskrifter om tekkelighet samtidig med at de viser en utvikling gjennom tiden.

Fem spesielle kjoler

Som man ser i infografikken vår har de seneste 100 årene budt på mange vakre og ikoniske kjoler. De har ofte vært med til å danne en trend i deres samtid og etterladt spor i historiebøkene. Her er et utvalg av fem kjoler som vi synes fortjener ekstra oppmerksomhet.

Grace Kelly

Grace Kellys kjole som ble skapt av Helen Rose fra MGM Studios i 1956 viser på klassisk vis at tidløs Hollywood eleganse aldri går av mote. Dette ble understreket i 2011 da Kate Middleton brukte en brudekjole med tydelige referanser til Kellys vakre kjole med blondeermer.


En kjole de færreste kommer til å glemme er Dianas dramatiske brudekjole. Kjolen ble laget av David & Elizabeth Emanuel I 1981. De store ermene, blondene og rysjene langs kraven og det nesten 8 meter langt slepet har gjort at kjolen bade blir elsket og hatet for sitt spesielle design. Med andre ord kan man si at den ikoniske kjolen skrev motehistorie.


Mette-Marits kjole fra 2001 ble skapt av Ove Harder Finseth. Kjolen skiller seg ut ved å være nyskapende i sin enkelhet. Siden bryllupet har Mette-Marit vist at hennes personlige stil er enkel og klassisk, noe brudekjolen hennes og viste.  Brudekjolen klarte også å fremvise nordisk minimalisme på sitt beste.


Den danske Kronsprinsesse Mary, fortjener også en plass på denne listen. Hun imponerte millioner av seere da hun sa ja til Kronprins Frederik i 2004. Kjolen er enkel og overdådig på samme tid. Mary bar det samme brudesløret som Dronning Margrethe bar i sitt eget bryllup.


Kate Middletons fantastiske vakre kjole fra Sarah Burton/Alexander McQueen er den nyeste på listen, men fortjener likevel en plass som en ikonisk kjole. Vi tror kjolen hennes kommer til å holde seg i motebildet i mange år fremover. Den vakre og stilige kjolen har imponert oss og motekritikere over hele verden.


Fremtidens kongelige brudekjoler

Det er vanskelig å forutse hva utviklingen kommer til å være for de kongelige brudekjolene eller hvem som kommer til å bruke de. Kanskje den neste kongelige brudekjolen blir i det bristiske kongehuset når Prins Harry finner sin utkårne? Hvordan kommer fremtidens kongelige til å se ut når de går opp av altergangen? Bare tiden vil vise. Vi gleder oss til å følge med i utviklingen!

0 kommentarer til “Ikoniske kongelige brudekjoler”

  1. Mixerexy says:
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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an “if only” sort of way.

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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an “if only” sort of way.

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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an “if only” sort of way.

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  4. Mixerexy says:
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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an “if only” sort of way.

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  5. Mixerexy says:
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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an “if only” sort of way.

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  6. Mixerexy says:
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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an “if only” sort of way.

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  7. Mixerexy says:
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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an “if only” sort of way.

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  8. Mixerexy says:
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    Gameplay Wheel of Fortune is a show that’s better suited to game adaptation than some witness the disaster that is Family Feud, although it’s still more unwieldy than something like a traditional quiz show.As you’d expect, the game progresses just like the show, as you spin, buy vowels, guess at the puzzles, and hopefully win thousands of dollars, fabulous prizes, and so forth.The special conditions for late games and the bonus round are also intact as well as the progressively more valuable spaces on the board, and they’re tweaked a little to make them more friendly in the game context.For example, the time limit to guess the answer in the final round is suspended a bit to take into account the fact that you have to type the whole thing in with the little keyboard GUI.The single player game is filled with the inevitable downtime.Miss your turn due to thickheadedness or an unlucky spin and it takes a while to work through the other two players’ turns.It helps to play this game while you have something else to occupy your time with I found it a decent enough distraction in between bouts of real work.In multiplayer games, the interface is smooth, and the game doesn’t waste too much time inflicting Vanna on you.If you’re all alone, though, you can always try the test mode, wherein a la Jeopardy you can take the test given to prospective Wheel contestants, which is fun in an “if only” sort of way.

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